Northumberland Onshore
The Cambois Connection
As part of the Cambois Connection we are proposing the development of:
Offshore Export Cables
Onshore Export Cables
an Onshore Converter Station
associated grid connection at National Grid Substation in Blyth, Northumberland.
The purpose of this infrastructure is to facilitate the export of green energy from the generation assets associated with the Berwick Bank Wind Farm (BBWF), located in the outer Firth of Forth.
The Cambois Connection comprises of two distinct proposals, or ‘Schemes’: the Onshore Scheme and the Marine Scheme.
Marine Scheme
The installation of offshore export cables from within the BBWF array area to a landfall near Cambois, Northumberland.
Onshore Scheme
The installation of a cable landfall, onshore HVDC cables, a new onshore converter station, High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) grid cables and works to integrate into the existing National Grid substation at Blyth.
For the onshore components of the Cambois Connection down to the seaward extent of the Landfall at mean low water springs (MLWS) (‘the Onshore Scheme’), consent has been sought via a planning application to Northumberland County Council under Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
For the offshore components of the Cambois Connection seaward of mean high water springs (MHWS) (‘the Marine Scheme’), consent is being sought in both Scotland and England as the Marine Scheme is located within both Scottish and English waters.
In Scotland, the Marine Scheme is entirely within offshore waters (i.e., between the 12 nautical miles (nm) limit and the outer limits of the Scottish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)) and consent is being sought from the Marine Directorate.
In England, the Marine Scheme is within both offshore and territorial waters and consent is being sought from the Marine Management Organisation.
Berwick Bank Wind Farm - Cambois Connection Onshore Scheme
We have now submitted our outline planning application to Northumberland County Council under Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990). The application is currently open for consultation and is also available on the Northumberland County Council Planning Portal with the following reference number': 23/04110/OUT
The documents submitted as part of the application for the Onshore Scheme are available at the links below and include:
Accompanying Documentation
Environmental Statement Volume 1 –Non Technical Summary
Environmental Statement Volume 2
Environmental Statement Volume 3 - Technical Appendix
Appendix 11.1 Landfall and Cable Route Flood Risk Assessment
Appendix 11.2 Onshore Converter Station Flood Risk Assessment
Volume 4
Chapter 1: Introduction
Berwick Bank Wind Farm - Cambois Connection Marine Scheme Applications
We have now submitted our Marine Licence Applications under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 (as amended) to both the Marine Directorate (for the parts of the Marine Scheme located in Scottish Waters) and the Marine Management Organisation (for the parts of the Marine Scheme located in English Waters).
For consultation on aspects of the Marine Scheme in Scottish Waters, a PDF version containing full details of the Public Notices submitted to the East Lothian Courier, Border Telegraph, Edinburgh Gazette and Fishing News can be found here.
Please note this consultation has now closed.
For consultation on aspects of the Marine Scheme in English Waters, a PDF version containing details of the Public Notices advertised in the Northumberland Gazette, News Post Leader and Fishing News can be found here. Consultation comments can be submitted to the Marine Management Organisation until the closing date of 24th November 2023.
The documents submitted as part of the Marine Licence application for the Marine Scheme are available at the links below and include:
Cover letter and Marine Licence Application forms and Supporting Information (for Scottish Waters)
Environmental Statement Volume 2 – ES Chapters
Chapter 6: Route Appraisal and Consideration of Alternatives
Chapter 7: Offshore Physical Environment and Seabed Conditions
Environmental Statement Volume 3 – Technical Appendices and Annexes
Appendix 3.5 Intertidal Considerations - Marine Scheme and Onshore Scheme
Appendix 10.1: Non-Breeding / Over-Wintering Bird Survey Report
Environmental Statement Volume 4 – Figures
Chapter 6: Route Appraisal and Consideration of Alternatives
Chapter 7: Offshore Physical Environment and Seabed Conditions
Environmental Statement Volume 5 – Outline Management Plans
Annex 5.1.A: Outline Marine Pollution Contingency and Control Plan
Annex 5.1 B: Outline Invasive and Non-Native Species Management Plan
Appendix 14.2: Outline Written Scheme of Investigation and Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries
Consent Application Accompanying Documents
Report to Inform an Appropriate Assessment (RIAA):
Part One – Introduction and Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Assessments
Appendix including Habitat Regulations Appraisal/Assessment (HRA) Stage 1 Screening Report