East Lothian - Onshore

Berwick Bank Onshore Application

Further applications to East Lothian Council will be required for Additional Matters Specified in Conditions under the Town & Country Planning Act. Further information will be provided on this page when those applications are submitted.

We have now received planning permission in principle under the Town & Country Planning Act for our onshore proposals for Berwick Bank Wind Farm.

The application documents submitted as part of the application can be viewed in full by clicking the button below.

The application and approved decision notice plans and other documents are currently available to view on the East Lothian Council website.

23/00162/PPM | Planning permission in principle for electricity transmission infrastructure (substation or converter station) and associated development including buried cabling | Land Between North East Of Skateraw And Branxton Substation (eastlothian.gov.uk)

We have also produced a digital EIA version of the onshore and offshore applications which provides an interactive viewing experience within your web browser.